in search of democracy 3.0

In search of Democracy 3.0

Saxion Enschede, M.H. Tromplaan 28, Enschede

Authoritarian leaders, algorithms and global capital. Democracies are under pressure from all sides. If we want to shape power in a fair way, something needs to change. But what exactly, and how? Together with local partners we make an investigation of today’s democracies with all its challenges and solutions for the future. In a dynamic evening we will take you into our research into the history, the present and the future of democracy (Dutch – Romanian).
We do not only provide an analysis but also actively search for new possibilities and ideas. So be prepared to be inspired by theater, music and an open dialogue. Of course you can choose whether you participate in the research or whether you prefer to look at what is thought and decided.

  • Saxion Enschede, M.H. Tromplaan 28, Enschede

  • 9 december 2019 - 09:00 tot 18:00

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