reset your student life

Reset your student life

Saxion Deventer, Handelskade 75, Deventer

Thanks to two years of Lockdowns, the wellbeing of students has been fiercely challenged. We have become more detached from each other than is good for us. Everything shows that people get happy in their lives as a result of human contact, friendship and love.

In this program we focus on how to reset your (student)life for the better. Anthropologist Roanne van Voorst talks about her fieldwork into the future of human contact through friendship apps, dating, robotlove, polyamory and the effect of love pills. Psychiatrist Bram Bakker knows exactly how a bad habit can turn into an addiction and what you can do to prevent that and to get back into balance. Philosopher Reine Rek discusses taboos around loneliness and shares her philosophical inspiration with us. Three Saxion students reveal their experiences about their reset after a difficult period. With: Bram Bakker – Psychiatrist & addiction counselor & author Roanne van Voorst - Anthropologist & author ‘In bed with six of us’ Reine Rek - Practical philosopher Richard Engelfriet - Moderator Ronald & Joy - share the story of their reset In cooperation with Students CMR (Milan Wolf, Mitchelle Muchuchuti), OSS (Joy Douma, Anne Kempers), DICE (William Sanchez), Minor addiction care & technology, Minor general development, Academy AMM.

  • Saxion Deventer, Handelskade 75, Deventer

  • 12 mei 2022 - 09:00 tot 18:00

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