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Connection and Competition at Gaming Palooza with HBO-ICT!

Leestijd Minuten

At HBO-ICT, teamwork and doing nice things together is very important. However, during our latest Gaming Palooza event, we also discovered that competition plays a significant role! Students had the opportunity to showcase their gaming skills while getting to know each other better.

Victory in the virtual World

From online multiplayer battles to defusing bombs in "Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes," and even immersive VR experiences, the line-up of games was diverse. Thirty enthusiastic participants, divided into twelve teams, eagerly dived into virtual worlds to win.

The Gaming Palooza event is organized annually by HBO-ICT lecturer Craig and provides an ideal opportunity for students and instructors to meet informally. "Various games, something for everyone, and very competitive," said Michel Lammertink, also a lecturer at HBO-ICT.

A close group of students

Gaming Palooza is not just about winning; it's also about having fun and making new friends. While students competed against each other, even the most passionate players shared tips with one another. At Saxion Deventer, a close-knit group of ICT students is forming, united by their passion for technology.

The winning team received a small prize as a memento of the enjoyable afternoon.