Drone show technology

dr. ir. Henk Kortier


Henk Kortier is hoofddocent/onderzoeker bij het lectoraat Smart Mechatronics and Robotics.

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Henk Kortier

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Henk Kortier


  • Thales Nederland
    R&D Systems Engineer, bezoldigd, 2020 - heden

About Henk

Henk Kortier received his Masters in Electrical Engineering (2010) and PhD (2018) from the University of Twente in Enschede (NL). He conducted research on assistive haptic robots during his internship at Tecnalia (Spain) and masters assignment in Enschede. His PhD was on the development of sensor fusion algorithms for the estimation of hand and finger kinematics and kinetics using MEMS based inertial, magnetic and force sensors. 

His current research interests are in applied, Bayesian, sensor fusion and machine learning with a specialisation in inertial, magnetic and visual sensing for localisation and mapping purposes of autonomous robots in harsh environments.