
Criminal InvestigationDX

The Criminal InvestigationDX (CIDX) project, funded by NWO, involves 19 organizations working together to develop and validate rapid tests for DNA material and biological trace analysis, aiming to improve crime scene investigations and enhance public trust in the legal system.

1 april 2024
31 maart 2029

The Criminal InvestigationDX (CIDX) project is a research initiative funded by NWO, in which 19 organizations collaborate with the goal of developing, testing, and validating two new technological innovations for application at crime scenes.

This project is an initiative of the research group Applied Nanotechnology


Feel free to contact us.

dr. ir. Martin Bennink

Lector Applied Nanotechnology

These innovations aim to directly contribute to public trust in our legal system and the safety of our society. One of the innovations involves rapid tests to determine whether sufficient DNA material is present in a trace, ensuring that no samples are sent to forensic labs that yield “no result” due to insufficient DNA material. The other innovation focuses on rapid tests that can extract information from human biological traces, such as determining whether the trace belongs to a male or female, helping to guide on-site investigations more quickly and effectively.

This project is financially supported by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) through the Research along Routes by Consortia program under the National Science Agenda (NWA-ORC).

Please visit our website www.project-cidx.nl for more information

Funded by: 

NWO (NWA-ORC project)


website website Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Amsterdam UMC Nederlands Forensisch Instituut (NFI) website NYtor Salvitat website website Openbaar Ministerie website website Twinx website website Pervatech Beleef!media

Involved group members

dr. ir. Martin Bennink

Lector Applied Nanotechnology

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Profielfoto Amber Holtkamp

Amber Holtkamp


Foto Jaap Knotter politiehuisstijl.jpg

Jaap Knotter, PhD

Lector Technologies for Criminal Investigations

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Laura Jansen AFT.jpg

Laura Jansen

Medewerker Onderwijs en Onderzoek Nanoforensisch

Brigitte Bruijns .jpeg

Brigitte Bruijns, PhD

Senior onderzoeker

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