The Mechatronics Research Group started with the nominated RAAK-PRO project Medical Robotics. The developed mechatronic knowledge (vision, autonomous navigation, robotic arms) are only used in healthcare and service robotics, but also can be used in the industry.

research question

How can the joint research need be identified and solve these together with the knowledge institutions on a project basis?

project approach

The North-East Netherlands is known for its HTSM industries (VMI, WWINN, Bronkhorst, AWL, Norma, Thales). These HTSM companies are actively working on the Smart Industry challenges: 

  • IoT (Internet of Things);
  • Robotics;
  • Chain cooperation;
  • HRM issues.

The companies are not united in a collaborative network organization to jointly define the research need. Concrete and project-based collaborating within a network of companies is has been a proven method for the Mechatronics Research Group in the past. 

project goal

The objective is to identify joint research needs with a broad network of HTSM companies and to solve them on a project basis in collaboration with the regional knowledge institutions. Various companies, including IMS and MetricControl, have already specifically requested this. 

The main objective is answered by the deliverables from the following sub-objectives:

  • (Re-)founding the Mechatronics Valley Twente;
  • Definition of joint research roadmap based on the individual technology roadmaps;
  • New research project proposals (minimal 1) from this research roadmap.

research outcome

The research group and the participating business partners IMS and MetricControl wants to ensure that the regional knowledge agenda of the top sector Smart Industry. Project-based cooperation and knowledge sharing within the (re-)established foundation Mechatronics is thereby the joint vision for a long duration. 

duration project

Start project: 01-07-17 - End project: 30-06-2018




Hogeschool in Enschede, Deventer en Apeldoorn

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