As a new technology the drone market is obviously in the upcoming curve of the famous Gartner Hype-Cycle. Automatic flying is now possible as a result of the new European legislation. Therefore the business cases of a lot of applications are becoming valid (precision agriculture, safety, inspection and maintenance).
Research question
Is an independent drone docking start-up commercially viable?
Many drone system integrators are working on solutions for these specific applications. They have however all need necessary technology for autonomous flying:
- Fly a path autonomously and without obstacles;
- Automatic landing and take-off;
- Automatic reloading and payload change.
The problem in the market, however, is that there are no (universal) solutions for these functions yet and every drone system integrator tries to find its own solution. The industry of component suppliers to drone system integrators is not very advanced yet. The aim is to investigate whether a B2B company is economically viable with the above functions.
Project goal
The aim of the research is to analyze the business economic opportunities of a DroneDockingStation start-up, to find out whether the further development of a product / market combination is economically profitable in order to make a decision about the start-up of this start-up. The envisaged Business-to-Business startup will provide these technologies as a component to the drone system integrators. The business case is being developed and the team supplemented.
Duration project
Start project: 01-01-2020 - End project: 01-09-2020
Space 53
Website![Logo Regieorgaan SIA](https://image.focuspoints.io/regieorgaan-sia.jpg?_jwt=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJ3aWR0aCI6MzAwLCJpc3MiOiJzYXhpb24iLCJhY3Rpb24iOiJyZXNpemUiLCJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL3d3dy5zYXhpb24ubmwvYmluYXJpZXMvY29udGVudC9nYWxsZXJ5L2JlZHJpanZlbi1lbi1pbnN0ZWxsaW5nZW4vcmVnaWVvcmdhYW4tc2lhLmpwZyIsImhlaWdodCI6MjAwfQ.zOcfmVC0YS77sgRcemkw2m631U0p24GQSLoMOLU8Idd9LsGoG5_EPrTtj6LMR-M6nfTkgDOt6bOxl0DEfVWDiQ)
Regieorgaan SIA
WebsiteMore information about the project?
![Dirk Bekke](https://image.focuspoints.io/dirk-bekke-saxion.jpg?_jwt=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJmb2N1c1BvaW50WSI6MC40OSwiZm9jdXNQb2ludFgiOjAuMjIsIndpZHRoIjoyMDAsImlzcyI6InNheGlvbiIsImFjdGlvbiI6InRyYW5zZm9ybSIsInVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnNheGlvbi5ubC9iaW5hcmllcy9jb250ZW50L2dhbGxlcnkvb25kZXJ6b2VrL3NtYXJ0LWluZHVzdHJ5L21lY2hhdHJvbmljYS9kaXJrLWJla2tlLXNheGlvbi5qcGc_dHM9MTY2NzIwMjk0NTgwOCIsImhlaWdodCI6MjAwfQ.0qPVrCr7nndE5PLjBtCnSQiPnJ2JmOvCn5tfVic3zE8vEjEiiPXcbQcajJfEYecdEpQYFHcVdu5YECXjEkfdEw)