Climate-proof RobotMoestuin

Climate change is causing dramatic shifts in the current climate regions, with the eastern Netherlands in particular drying up (KIA theme Agriculture, food & water). The project consortium wants to use key technology robotics to investigate how smart adaptive watering systems can ensure more sustainable local vegetable cultivation in the Netherlands that is scalable towards NW Europe. The initial focus is on use for private vegetable gardens and ecological precision agriculture.

Research question

What are the options for smart climate adaptive systems for vegetable cultivation in desiccated areas?


The objective of the Climate-proof Robot Vegetable Garden project is to investigate the possibilities for smart climate adaptive systems for vegetable cultivation in desiccating areas. The main objective is answered within this project by the deliverables from the following sub-objectives:

  • Research into the climate effects on the gardening process in vegetable gardens;
  • Research into the possibilities of climate adaptive and robotised vegetable gardens;
  • Develop a smart climate adaptive system for vegetable gardens;
  • Develop (new) forms of cooperation.

project approach

MakkelijkeMoestuin has its own large community of eco-professionals, with which "grandfather" vegetable garden knowledge has been digitally made for sharing. With the MakkelijkeMoestuin app and land, local vegetable cultivation becomes attractive again. However, climate change is drying up these vegetable gardens and the demand therefore comes directly from the eco-professionals. Hoefman Engineering has developed recycled containers for the MakkelijkeMoestuin. The participating SMEs are the initiators of this community. Exhibitions such as the AgriTech exhibition endorse the integration of technology with agriculture. The Mechatronics research group is involved as a robotics knowledge supplier and is a member of euRobotics, HollandRobotics and founder of TValley for knowledge development and sharing thereof.

Research outcome

This project is a response to the climate challenges for local vegetable cultivation and can serve as an example for ecological climate-resilient precision agriculture and will, through a paradigm shift, ensure more innovative projects for both businesses and citizens themselves.

Duration project

Start project: 01-10-2020 - End project: 30-09-2021




Hogeschool in Enschede, Deventer en Apeldoorn
MakkelijkeMoestuin logo.jpg


Logo TValley.png


Logo Regieorgaan SIA

Regieorgaan SIA


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