Pabo-studenten in overleg - lerarenopleiding basisonderwijs studie Saxion

Design innovative solutions to people- and work-related challenges

  • Bachelor (Fulltime)
  • 4 Years
  • Enschede
  • Start date September

The key to success in any organization lies with its people. In International Human Resource Management (IHRM) you not only learn how to turn that key, but you also develop the skills needed to become a business-savvy and internationally oriented HRM professional.

The bachelor International Human Resource Management is a studyroute of Human Resource Management
Students having a conversation in Deventer

Close-knit community

You are part of a community, co-creating innovative solutions to problems in the field of psychology and management. You will be working in small groups on real life cases, with very involved and approachable teachers to help you.

Students International Human Resource Management following a lecture at Saxion

Unique in the Netherlands

IHRM at Saxion is the only fulltime International Human Resource bachelor programme in HRM in the Netherlands. The programme is well-recognized across our borders.

Starters Information

What you need to know before you start your education.

Apply now

Apply via no later than 15 August

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During your study programme

You will gain in-depth knowledge of the relationship between human behavior, work and organizations. You will also learn practical skills that enable you to understand and influence the people in an organization. The programme offers valuable practical training in the form of projects. In project groups, so-called labs, you will work on challenging assignments for companies.

Course content

Check the video of this BachelorTHE STUDY PROGRAMME IN A NUTSHELL

News about this programme

After graduation

Once graduated, you hold a Bachelor of Arts degree. With this you can start your career as a junior HR advisor or a specialist in the HR Department of an (international) organization. You could also continue with a master’s at a university.

Career prospects
Studie tot accountant Saxion
Open ruimte Saxion Academie Mens en Arbeid

Don’t be afraid, it might look scary to begin this new chapter but I’m sure you’ll have a lot of fun!

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