Elektrische netwerken 2

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  • Studiebelastingsuren


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  • Kwartiel van uitvoering


Four methods to calculate the electrical properties of simple passive AC Electric Circuits. In addition to working with (harmonic) AC sources and performing calculations on these networks, the complex plane forms the base for presentation of calculated state variables (phasors). Impedances like (real) resistors, and the (imaginary) reactive impedances such as capacitors and inductors are basic circuit components. The second half course consists of basic filter theory (1st order LPF, HPF  and 2nd order LPF, HPF, BPF). Terms like transfer function, Bode diagram, angular frequency, roll-off frequency, phase, time constant, resonance, bandwidth and quality factor are used to understand these circuits.  


  • LED competentie


 Student will be able to: 

•    Work with complex voltages, currents and impedances presented in Cartesians and polar form. Perform transformations through the complex plane 

•    Calculate the electrical properties of a given AC circuit with the most efficient method (Complex Ohms Law, Complex Kirchhoff laws (KVL,KCL), Complex Norton/ Thévenin, Complex Super Position, Complex Loop Current method 

•    Explain the terms belonging to 1st and 2nd order filters. Produce a graphical Bode-diagram (Amplitude and Phase diagram) from simple 1st and 2nd order filters  

•    Determine the transfer functions of a given circuit 

•    Calculate voltages and currents in circuits and plot them in a time domain graph


Code Naam
WC Werkcollege
T.50190 Elektrische netwerken 2