CLIC-IT: Communities of Learning and Innovation in ICT to accelerate digital transformation

Recent developments of digital technologies such as Artificial Intelligence affect our daily work and life. On the one hand they enable new solutions to major societal issues, but on the other hand they also demand a lot of new knowledge and skills from (future) employees who are confronted with these technologies in their work. In this project, we study how learning communities are able to stimulate the learning, collaboration, and innovation of (future) employees and we develop methods and tools to support this even better. By doing this, we become better prepared for the digital transformation and will be able to accelerate innovation.


IT, AI, data, learning communities

Program objectives

In this project, we address how learning communities (LC's) can become more effective in accelerating innovation for digital transformation. The aims are to:
1) evaluate the working mechanisms of LC's and gain insights into how organizations and people learn, collaborate, and innovate effectively, by studying 13 existing and developing learning communities that work on challenges related to digital transformation; 
2) use these insights to co-create methods and tools to support these learning, collaboration, and innovation processes with our partners and stakeholders.

All insights and outputs will be brought together in a Learning Communities Incubator: a productive space that LC's can turn to for support in becoming more effective in developing human capital and driving digital transformation through accelerated innovation.


University of Twente (project leader)
Saxion University of Applied Sciences (Employability Transition, Ambient Intelligence)
Hanzehogeschool Groningen
Fontys Hogeschool
Hogeschool Windesheim
Samenwerking Noord
(Applied AI in Livestock Farming)
Technohub Inclusieve Technology Apeldoorn
Garden of Kairos
Van Haren Learning Solutions
Stichting Platform Talent voor Technologie (Katapult)
Applied AI Labs (NL)
Centrum voor Veiligheid en Digitalisering
Christelijke Hogeschool Ede
Digital Literacy Coalition
Techniekpact Twente
CyberSecurity Noord-Nederland
Nederlandse AI-Coalitie
Sociaal-Economische Raad
IT Academy Noord-Nederland
Stichting Game Industrie Noord-Nederland
Eindhoven Engine
National Smart Industry Agenda


September 2022  –  August2026


This project has been funded by NWO in the call ‘Human Capital: Learning communities as innovation accelerator (KIC)’.

More information


dr. Jeroen Linssen

Lector Ambient Intelligence

06 - 8278 4767 Profiel LinkedIn