Pabo-studente met laptop - lerarenopleiding basisonderwijs studie Saxion

​Unique programme in co-operation with the University of Greenwich

  • Master (Fulltime)
  • 1 Years
  • Deventer
  • Start date September

The Master of Business Administration programme is designed for professionals looking to advance their business, management and leadership skills. It prepares managers for organisation-wide leadership and decision-making. The programme approaches leadership development thematically. Personal development and coaching is a key theme to help you understand your value in the market and to develop plans to optimise your potential.

This program is also available as Master, Parttime
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​No pre-master required

To follow this master, there is no pre-master required

Internationally recognized degree

Saxion University offers this MBA programme in co-operation with the University of Greenwich. Upon graduation you will obtain an internationally recognized British degree; the Master of Business Administration.

What can you do later?

  • You will develop essential skills for successful organizational leadership in 21st century business.

Interested in this Master degree programme?

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Taster activities

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More information? Contact the Master's Office

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During your study programme

You gain a better understanding of the interrelationship of all functional areas of management, whilst looking at business issues from a holistic corporate perspective. You will be able to develop and implement a successful strategy. It enables you to get  profound knowledge in functional areas of management, as well as improving your managerial skills. 

Course content
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After graduation

Our graduates have the opportunity to progress rapidly through strategic management positions in different companies or to apply their skills and knowledge to managing their own business. You will understand the relationship between an organization and its environment and capable of developing a successful business strategy or managing its operation.

Career prospects
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I have learned to appreciate the power of collaboration in solving complex business problems.

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