Studenten werken samen | Minor Global Citizenship | Hogeschool Saxion

Learn to look and think beyond borders

Develop your knowledge, skills and attitudes as a global citizen in your profession! The minor Global Citizenship focuses on education, social work and health care. You will learn how global issues, about identity, ethics, and (cultural) diversity, play a role in the context of your field of study and your profession. Work together with an interdisciplinary and culturally diverse group of (inter)national students on a project covering the Sustainable Development Goals. You develop a conscious and open attitude, moral compass and learn how to apply your newly acquired approach as a global citizen in to practice in various workshops, activities and project work.

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Saxion-student Non-Saxion-student

Questions about this minor?

Bas Slot
  • Code


  • Start

    February, September

  • Type


  • Language


  • Max number of students


  • Location

    Deventer, Enschede

  • Minor Type

    B: Available for some HBO courses

  • Audience

    Saxion student, Non-Saxion student

Course content

General Idea: Global Citizenship refers to the knowledge and skills needed to engage in global issues on a local level and to enable people with different backgrounds to work together on goals related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Global Citizenship.

A global citizen can use this knowledge and skills in their own profession. The practice-based, multi-disciplinary and intercultural (diversity) approach of the programme (courses, research- and practical activities) will inspire and motivate you to make Global Citizenship a part of your personal and professional identity.

International dimension: “Meet, work, interact and celebrate life with other students from all over Europe and beyond.”

The Project: Together with an existing organisation and a small group of fellow students you will work on an actual problem related to the SDGs. You will be given the opportunity to really make a change, as you will develop a project plan and implement this within the organisation. The implementation and evaluation of  the project will take place during the second half of the Minor either in the Netherlands or abroad.

Individual and Professional Development: During the whole duration of the Minor you will work on your individual development as a Global Citizen in your profession, supervised by a coach.

This minor facilitates students from different study programmes to work together in a multidisciplinary team. We will combine knowledge, insights and skills from your diverse backgrounds to create a dynamic and explorative environment to study Global Citizenship. This all takes place in the context of various practices, especially Health Care, Social Work and Education.

The following topics are addressed in the minor:

  • Learn to become a global citizen in your profession
  • Being able to work and communicate diversity competent
  • How to work with Human Rights in an era of Post Truth and Transculturality
  • Learn about cultures and being able to de-culturalize if necessary
  • Developing a moral compass of your own
  • Lear to apply design thinking and make a difference on SDGs in your field of study

In the first quarter of the minor, you design a project. In the second quarter, you will put your acquired knowledge, skills and attitude as a Global Citizen into practice by carrying out the project in practice and evaluating it, and by carrying out various assignments and work in practice throughout the duration of the minor. These might include an internship or volunteer work within a school, youth center and/or care institution appropriate to your personal professional goals and central goals of the minor.

A coach will guide you throughout your project work and professional and personal development.

The language of instruction is English (level B2). All students (Dutch and international students) are welcome to join!

This minor is open for students, both national and international, with an interest in Behavior & Society, Social Work, Health Care and Education.

This minor consists of 30 ECs divided in six assessments.

The Global Project (15 ECTs)
The project is an individual or group assignment in which you work  on issues regarding the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and in which you work from an interprofessional and multidisciplinary mindset in an organisation in the Netherlands or abroad. You design a project and will plan, implement and evaluate your project in practice. You legitimise and evaluate it both ethically and scientifically and incorporate it into a project report. At the end of the minor, you present the results of your project in the project presentation to your fellow students, lecturers and stakeholders. During this process you put what you have learned about Global Citizenship into practice.

Personal and Professional Development (15 ECTs)
You will develop yourself as a Global Citizen in your profession and complete various assignments (reports, presentations and other activities) offered in the modules of the minor which you will collect in a Global Citizenship portfolio.
The portfolio consists of several sub assessments such as the Individual Development Plan and Evaluation, TED-Talk, Essay and a Global Citizenship Vlog.

You will complete the minor by means of a Criterion Oriented Interview in which you will substantiate your development as a Global Citizenship and professional with the use of your portfolio.