Minor Industrial Automation

Industrial Automation: System Integrator

The Minor Industrial Automation focuses on the automation of production processes and the integration of hardware and (sub)systems. It’s important to appreciate the four main areas: Processes, Components, Information and Integration. The knowledge on how to analyze processes, choose technology and have the skill and ability to make substantiated choices for connecting machines and systems and implementing the actual solutions has become a complex, important and a highly valuable skill.

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Bas de Bruijn
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  • Minor Type

    B: Available for some HBO courses

  • Audience

    Saxion student, Non-Saxion student

Course content

The use of information in machines and factories grows each year and (production) process complexity increases. A System Integrator in Industrial Automation needs to make substantiated choices by knowing about the consequences of said choice for different expertise areas. Therefor the knowledge on how to connect machines and systems, analyze processes, choose technology and have an ability to implement the most suitable solutions has become a complex, important and a highly valuable skill.

Learning about the theory and its practical uses will provide you with tools to analyze, create and implement solutions for various problems in the area of Industrial processes. You will be able to analyze processes, define interfaces between parts of the process and automation layers, and advise about different solutions. Next to the theoretical approach you will learn how to integrate components and systems, create and implement a working solution, draw conclusions about the result and advise about improvements for an automated process.

The modules in this minor will provide you with a theoretical background for implementing a solution for an automation problem. These modules focus on the following 4 main areas: Processes, components, information and integration.

Apart from the theory, the modules have a practical approach. By working with real hardware (Industrial robots, PLC’s, Vision camera) and other industrial components you will apply the theory in a practical manner.

Lastly, students will work on a problem in a project setting. Using all their skills for implementing a solution.

  • Saxion students of the following fulltime programs can enroll in the minor Industrial Automation:
    • Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Electrical Engineering, Chemical technology, Computer Science and Applied Physics.
    • Requirements to be admissible: having successfully passed the propaedeutic exam of one of these bachelor programs and at least 45 ECTS of the second year.
    • It is strongly advised to have successfully finished one or more courses on programming and/or PLC programming.
  • KOM students
  • Exchange students

A combination of reports, assessments and practical assignments.