Resultaten van ons onderzoek
De resultaten van ons onderzoek bij het lectoraat Sustainable Building Technology leveren tools en inzichten op die bedrijven helpen CO₂-uitstoot te verminderen en duurzame producten en diensten te ontwikkelen. Dit leidt tot energiezuinigere gebouwen, lagere milieubelasting en ondersteuning voor bedrijven om hun marktkansen te vergroten. Zo dragen we bij aan een gezondere leefomgeving en een klimaatbestendige bouwsector.
- Saijo, R., Meester, R., Struck, C., Ichinose, M. & Alkhalaf, H. (2024)Towards digital twin-based dynamic fault detection and diagnosis for heat pumps: a case study of the Smart TinyLab
- Zander, B., Lange, K., Gieling, C.W.J., & Struck, C. (2024) TRA2024. Designing the Procurement Logistics Processes of a
Smart Factory based on Virtual Building Model - Branco, P. T., Sousa, S. I., Dudzińska, M. R., Ruzgar, D. G., Mutlu, M., Panaras, G., ... & Weersink, A. (2024). A review of relevant parameters for assessing indoor air quality in educational facilities. Environmental Research
- Stephanie Rensink, Elke J. van Nieuwenhuijzen, Michael F. Sailer, Christian Struck, Han A.B. Wösten (2024). SPRINGER 2024 Use of Aureobasidiu in a sustainable economy
- Rovers, T. J. H., van ‘t Ende, J. A. N., Gieling, C. W. J., Struck, C., & Ribberink, M. (2023). Thermal characterization of a novel heated glass element. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2654 012141
- Rovers, T.J.H., Weersink, A.M.S., Struck, C. (2023). Track & Trace: closing the energy performance gap through real-time
performance tracking of buildings (proceedings, page 52)
Rovers, T., Struck, C., Gieling, C., Mohammadi, S., Slagmolen, O., Dorée, A., Olde Scholtenhuis, L., Vink, K., Poppe, H., Koopman, D., ter Maat, H., & Boeve, B. (2022). Development and evaluation of digital twins for district-level heating energy demand simulation. CLIMA2022
Mohammadi, S., Weersink, A., Van 't Ende, J.A.N. , & Struck, C. (2022). Rotatable Smart TinyLab, a platform for testing integrated façades and indoor climate, SBE
Guerra-Santin, O., Rovers, T., Marchionda, S., & Itard , L. (2022), Monitoring (N)ZEB dwellings in the Netherlands: Lessons learned from current practices. Paper presented at the CLIMA 2022: the 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress, Rotterdam (NL).
van 't Ende, J. A. N., Lazaridis, M., Struck, C., & Weersink, A. (2022). Towards the integration of air chemistry and building simulation models IAQ assessment. Paper presented at the CLIMA 2022: the 14th REHVA HVAC World Congress, Rotterdam (NL).
Spiekman, M.E., Boess, S.U., Guerra-Santin, O., Rovers, T.J.H., & Nelis, N. (2022). Effects of energy-efficient renovation concepts on occupant behaviour and hence building performance. Paper presented at the SBE Conference, Preparing for the European Renovation Wave, Delft (NL)
Zander, B., Lange, K., Decorte, Y., Steeman, M., Struck, C., & Gieling, C. (2022). Transformation and Acceleration of the Construction Supply Chain through Smart Factories. Paper presented at the Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2022, Prague (CZ)
Soheil Alavirad and Saleh Mohammadi and Pieter-Jan Hoes and Luyi Xu and Jan, L. M. H. (2022). Future Proof Energy-Retrofit strategy for an existing Dutch neighbourhood. Energy and Buildings, 260, 111914
Martirano, G., Pignatelli, F., Vinci, F., Struck, C., Coors, V., Fitzky, M., Hernández Moral, G., Serna-González, V., Ramos-Díez, I. and Valmaseda, C., Comparative analysis of different methodologies and datasets for Energy Performance Labelling of buildings, EUR 30963 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2022, ISBN 978-92-76-46608-6
- Aflaki, A., Esfandiari, M., & Mohammadi, S. (2021). A Review of Numerical Simulation as a Precedence Method for Prediction and Evaluation of Building Ventilation Performance. Sustainability, 13(22), 12721.
- Bauwens, G., Ritosa, K., Roels, S., Deltour, J., Masy, G., Senave, M., Zhang, X., Rasmussen, C., Rouchier, S., Skeie, K., Rovers, T., Struck, C., Gorse, C., Hardy, A., Hollick, F., & Allinson, D. (2021). IEA-EBC Annex 71: Building Energy Performance Assessment Based on In-situ Measurements - Physical Parameter Identification. KU Leuven.
- Esfandiari M, Zaid SM, Ismail MA, Hafezi MR, Asadi I, Mohammadi S. A Field Study on Thermal Comfort and Cooling Load Demand Optimization in a Tropical Climate. Sustainability. 2021; 13(22):12425.
- Olde Scholtenhuis , L., Doree, A., Vink, K., Struck, C., & Poppe, H. (2020). Digitalisering in de Wijkgerichte Aanpak Energietransitie. Paper presented at the CROW Infradagen 2020, Papendal / NL.
- Rensink, S., Sailer, M., Roukens, S., Gerber, J., Mel, H. v. d., Potgieter, K., . . . Struck, C. (2020). Biofinish: A Functional Wood Surface Treatment based on Aureobasidium. Paper presented at the International Research Group on Wood Protection, Bled / Slovenia.
- Decorte, Y; Steeman, M.; Krämer, U.-B.; Struck, C. Lange, K; Zander, B.; Haan, de A. (2020) Upscaling the housing renovation market through far-reaching industrialization, Beyond 2020 World Sustainable Built Environment – Online Conference, 2-4 Nov.
- Salemink, Ing. G.A.M & Rovers, Ir. T.J.H. PDEng (2020) Compartimenteren woningen met binnenisolatie op maat
- Rovers, T. J. H., Struck, C., & van ’t Ende, J. A. N. (2020). Towards the evaluation of a thermal compartmentation renovation concept through in-situ measurements. E3S Web of Conferences NSB 2020, 172,01007.
- Pauwels, P., Olde Scholtenhuis, L. (4TUb), i.s.m. Voordijk, H., Vahdatikhaki, F., Russel, P., Struck, C., Savanovic, P., Sebastian, R. (HBO & 4TUb, TNO) (2020), BTIC Concept - Strategisch programma digitalisering 2020-2030
- Sebastian, R., Adriaanse, A. (TNO), De Vries, B. (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven), Olde Scholtenhuis, L., Vahdatikhaki, F., Dorée, A. (Universiteit Twente), Russell, P. (Technische Universiteit Delft), Struck, C. (Saxion Hogeschool / Vereniging van Hogescholen) (2020), BTIC Kennis- en Innovatieprogramma Digitalisering : Deelprogramma Digital Twins
- Rensink, S., Sailer, M. F., Bulthuis, R. J. H., & Oostra, M. A. R. (2020). Application of a bio-based coating for wood as a con-struction material: fire retardancy and impact on per-formance characteristics. Wood & Fire Safety 2020, 90-96.
- Rovers, T., & Struck, C. (2019). Estimating occupancy heat gains from CO2 measurements. Contribution published in the DYNASTEE Newsletter.
- Rovers, T. J. H., Struck, C., & van ’t Ende, J. A. N. (2019). Quantifying the impact of renovation strategies: First experiences with thermal Compartmentation. Paper presented at the Saxion Research Conference 2019, De Adelaarshorst, Deventer / NL.
- Rovers, T. J. H., Struck, C., van ’t Ende, J. A. N., & ten Berge, P. V. B., 30(1), 8-11. (2019). In-situ prestatiebepaling van de gebouwschil; de co-heating test methode. BOUWFYSICA, 2019(1), 8-11.
- Weersink, A. M. S., Struck, C., Cleef, v. R., Duralief, B., Faasen, A., & Reiziger, B. (2018). Op school lijkt het vaak zo slecht nog niet, maar thuis en onderweg…,. TVVL Magazine, 2018(5), 2.
- Weersink, A. M. S., Wolters, T., & Struck, C. (2018). Daglicht, de verborgen duurzame energiebron voor industriële gebouwen. Allicht, 2018(7), 4.
- Rensink, S., Sailer, M., & Nieuwenhuijzen, v. E. (2018). Sustainable wood protection with living fungi a living concept with perspective. Paper presented at the Saxion Research Conference 2018, Saxion Enschede.
- Attia, S., Bilir, S., Safy, T., Struck, C., Loonen, R., & Goia, F. (2018). Current Trends and Future Challenges in the Performance Assessment of Adaptive Façade Systems. Energy and Buildings, 179, 165-182.
- Struck, C., Rovers, T., Exterkate, R., Al Alkam, M., Voortman, M., & Timmerman, R. (2018). Practitioners' View on the Implementation Potential of Adaptive Facades with focus on The Netherlands. Paper presented at the Facades 2018 - Adaptive!, Lucerne (CH).
- Breteler, F., Weersink, A. M. S., Struck, C., & Kosters, G. (2017). Van Rc via MPc naar DPc? Bouwkwaliteit in de Praktijk, 6.
- Weersink, A., & Struck, C. (2017, November). Extra isoleren niet altijd duurzamer. Milieu, 2. Retrieved from VVM
- Weersink, A., Struck, C., & Breteler, F. (2017). Invloed zonnepanelen en isolatie op milieuprestatie. EnergieGids, 10-13.