Results & projects
Here you can find the publications and reference works about Smart Mechatronics and Robotics sorted by year. Our demonstrators are shown at the bottom of this page.
- Autonomous Agricultural Navigation (AAN)
- Aero-Blaster: The First Aerial Robot for Surface Preparation using Bristle Blaster Technology
- Weed Control with Robots: No weeds in the Row
- MARS4Earth: Modular Aerial Robotic Systems for Sustainable Living on Earth
- Cable Stripper
- HHH-project
- Greenhouses
- RAAK-MKB Scan-Plan-Pro
Scientific articles
- Kotarski, Denis, Marko Pranjić, Ayham Alharbat, Petar Piljek, and Toni Bjažić. 2025. "Multirotor UAV—A Multidisciplinary Platform for Teaching Mechatronics Engineering" Sensors 25, no. 4: 1007.
- Ghanbarzadeh, A., Najafi, E. Safe physical human–robot interaction through variable impedance control based on ISO/TS 15066. Int J Interact Des Manuf (2024).
- Alharbat, Ayham, Dion Zwakenberg, Hanieh Esmaeeli, and Abeje Mersha. "Sarax: An Open-Source Software/Hardware Framework for Aerial Manipulators." In International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, ICUAS 2024.
- van Manen, B.R., Sluiter, V.I., Mersha, A.Y., Firebot SLAM: Thermal SLAM to Increase Situational Awareness In Smoke-Filled Environments, Sensors 23(17), 2023.
- Lijcklama à Nijeholt, L.; Kronshorst, T.Y.; Teeffelen, K.v.; van Manen, B.; Emaus, R.; Knotter, J.; Mersha, A. Utilizing Drone-Based GPR for Crime Investigations in Localizing and Identifying Clandestine Graves. Sensors 23(16), 2023.
- Alharbat, Ayham, et al. "Three Fundamental Paradigms for Aerial Physical Interaction Using Nonlinear Model Predictive Control." 2022 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS). IEEE, 2022.
- Ebberink, Gerald, Bloemendal, Mandy ten, Sluiter, Victor, Reijn, Saara-Maarit, de Kinkelder, Roy, Chang, Lantian, Garcia-Blanco, Sonia, & Damen, Cas. (2022, December 13). Accurate Alignment System For Photonic Based Biosensor Cartridges. Precision Photonic Systems, Dornbirn.
- Esmaeeli, Hanieh, Ayham Alharbat, and Abeje Mershaa. "Physical Interacting Aerial Robots for ‘In-Situ’Inspection and Maintenance of Wind Turbine Blade." Proceedings of the The 10th International Conference on Through-Life Engineering Services. 2021.
- Article - KIVI - De drie kanshebbers voor de Prins Friso Ingenieursprijs 2021 zijn bekend.
- Vakblad - Mikroniek- The Path from Research to Industry - NeNa.
- Vakblad - Mikroniek- A simulator for depth estimation - Firebot.
- Scientific journal - Low Dimensional State Representation Learning with Reward-shaped Priors - MARIO.
- Vakblad - Mechatronica & Machinebouw- Autonome robots sporen verdrinkingsslachtoffers- Autonoom Varen.
- Vakblad - Tech Your Future- Versnellende kruisbestuiving tussen bedrijven, opleidingen en onderzoeksveld in de mens-cobot samenwerking.
Vakblad - Mechatronica & Machinebouw- De vliegende hand - MARS4Earth.
- Vakblad - Mikroniek - Building Smart Vision Blocks - RoboTAO.
- Vakblad - Mechatronica & Machinebouw - ROS op de Fabrieksvloer - RoboTAO/MARIO.
- Vakblad - Mechatronica & Machinebouw -Help! Bel een drone! - NextLevel.
- Vakblad - Tech For Future magazine - Je krijgt fysieke kennis terug.
- Vakblad - New Scientist - De robot als bouwpakket - Medical Robotics.
- Rapport - Robotize your Future - lectorale rede.
- Vakblad - Mechatronica & Machinebouw - Identification and localization of plasma cut steel products - DiVision.
- Scientific journal - Affordable Modular Mobile Manipulator for Domestic Applications - Medical Robotics.
- Scientific journal - Practical methodologies for the development of the students’ multidisciplinary engineering skills.
- Vakblad - Mikroniek - Agrobot - Autonome Landbouw.
- Vakblad - Mechatronica & Machinebouw - Snuffeldrones - FAST.
- Vakblad - Beveiliging Managementblad - Saxion hogeschool en ROC presenteren drones voor detectie - NextLevel.
- Vakblad - Mikroniek - Getting a grip on medical and modular robotics - Medical Robotics.
- Vakblad - Mikroniek - A transmission principle for robotic devices - Medical Robotics.
Other publications and articles
Publication- Sluiter, V. I., and Reiling, M., "Addition to Systems Design and Engineering." June 1, 2022.
Publication- Sluiter, V. I., and Reiling, M. "State of the Art of Systems Engineering in 3 mechatronics companies," March 1, 2022.
- Presentation - Vakbeurs(-stand) - Kwaliteitsinspectie voor spuitgietonderdelen - AI Webinar Smart Industry Boost - Focus on Vision.
- Publication - - Onderzoekers van twee Twentse onderwijsinstellingen genomineerd voor Prins Friso Ingenieursprijs.
- Products - Modules (TRL5-6) - Demonstrator StadLandwater - Focus on Vision.
- Products - Fysieke demonstrator (TRL5-6) - Demonstrator Timmerije QIS - Focus on Vision.
- Presentation - Kennis/project bijeenkomst - Basistraining Machine Vision Design - Focus on Vision.
- Publication - RTV Oost - Drie genomineerden Prins Friso Ingenieursprijs werken allemaal in Overijssel
- Publication - TC Tubantia - Twee Twentse ingenieurs strijden om prestigieuze Prins Friso Ingenieursprijs 2021
- Presentation - Scientific Conference - Industrial Autonomous Mobile Robots with ROS 2 and Nav 2 - ICT.OPEN 2021.
- Publication - Project poster - Industrial Autonomous Mobile Robots with ROS 2 and Nav 2 - ICT.OPEN 2021.
- Publication - TC Tubantia - Als een opticien meet Roy de Kinkelder van Saxion Enschede de blusrobot de beste bril aan - Firebot.
- Publication - RTVOost - Onderzoekers Hogeschool Saxion ontwikkelen speciale techniek voor blusrobots brandweer: "Deze camera kan door rook heen kijken".
- Publication - Regieorgaan SIA - Firebot: een blusrobot die levens redt.
- Publication - Telegraaf - Bezorging met drone in de toekomst via snelweg.
- Publication - RTLNieuws (Editie NL) - Politie schakelt 'The Beast' in.
- Publication - TC Tubantia - Saxion-professor voorspelt: ‘Ook u heeft straks een zelfvliegende robot in huis’ - The BEAST.
- Educational products - Vak/training ontwikkelen - ROS Industrial Training - ROS-Industrial.
- Presentation - Kennis/project bijeenkomst - MAVRIC: Rapid Prototyping of aerial agrobots with ROS and PX4 - ROS-Industrial.
- Products - Code repository - Bug fix ROS Industrial Training website - ROS-Industrial.
- Publication - Proceedings - Towards Long-Term Autonomy for UAS - EFRO Security.
- Publication - Proceedings - An Adaptive Informative Path Planning Algorithm for Real-Time Air Quality Monitoring Using UAVs - MARS4Earth.
- Publication - Telegraaf - Deze superdrone ziet, hoort en ruikt alles - The BEAST.
- Publication - Regieorgaan SIA - Fotoshoot Highlight project SIA Website - Firebot.
- Publication - RTVOost - Robot die onkruid verwijdert 'grote stap voor agrarische sector' - Autonome Landbouw.
- Products - Code repository - NeNa ROS 2 Vehicle Driver For OpenTCS - NeNa.
- Products - Handleiding - Tutorial: Using Parameters In A Class - NeNa.
- Products - Code respository - Feature/fix setup native ubuntu - ROS-Industrial.
- Presentation - Vakbeurs(-stand) - Stand Mechatronics - Autonome Landbouw.
- Presentation - Agrifoodtech - Robotize your Future: Autonome robots voor Agri en Food - Autonome Landbouw.
- Publication - Telegraaf - Superdrone helpt brand blussen - MARS4Earth.
- Demonstration - Live - during the project kick-off - MARS4Earth.
- Presentation - Vakbeurs(-stand) - Pitch presentatie Twente Robotics - Twente Robotics - RoboTAO.
- Presentation - Opening Academisch Jaar - Firebot.
- Publication - Telegraaf - Superdrones kunnen gewonden van slagweld halen - Buffalo.
- Publication - Projectposter/leaflet - Development and Validation of a Digital Twin to Optimize Localization of Autonomous Mobile Robots - MARIO.
- Presentation - Scientific conference - The Path to Autonomous Navigation on Industrial Robots with Robot Operating System (ROS) - MARIO.
- Presentation - Kennis/project bijeenkomst - LED heidag - Workshop Vision - DiVision.
- Products - Modules - Landingsprocedure - NextLevel.
- Products - Modules - Dockingstation oplaad platform - NextLevel.
- Presentation - Vakbeurs(-stand) - WOTS beursstand 3S studententeam RoboTAO (2e prijs).
- Presentation - Kennis/project bijeenkomst - Paneldiscussie Smart Industry BOOST.
- Presentation - Kennis/project bijeenkomst - Robotize your Future.
- Presentation - Vakbeurs(-stand) - Beursstand op TIV.
- Presentation - Kennis/project bijeenkomst - Workshop MARS 4 EARTH - Space53.
- Presentation - Kennis/project bijeenkomst - TVAlley Workshop "Focus op Vision" - DiVision.
- Presentation - Kennis/project bijeenkomst - Vision Workshop II - DiVision.
- Presentation - Kennis/project bijeenkomst - Vision Workshop I - DiVision.
- Presentation - Open dag TechBase - Autonome Landbouw.
- Presentation - Beursstand op STORK theater productions - 10 voorstellingen - Autonome Landbouw.
- Presentation - Scientific conference - MIMU - PDR with bias estimation using an optimization based approach - Saxshoe.
- Presentation - Kennis/project bijeenkomst - Robotize your Future - Agenda voor Twente.
- Presentation - Kennis/project bijeenkomst - State of the Art Toepassingen op uw Mobiele Platform? - Twentse ROS + Flexible Manufacturing.
- Presentation - Kennis/project bijeenkomst - Software for flexible robotics by using ROS - Twentse ROS.
- Presentation - Kennis/project bijeenkomst - ROS Industrial for you - Flexible Manufacturing/Twentse ROS.
- Products - Proof-of-principle - Set-up DI-vision for evaluating vision configurations - DiVision.
- Presentation - Scientific conference - Identification and localization of plasma cut steel products - DiVision.
- Presentation - Kennis/project bijeenkomst - DITTS, nationale politie.
- Presentation - ROS workshop naar LED.
- Demonstration - Labtour of Rondleidingen - Firebot en docking station - eRIC.
- Presentation - Kennis/project bijeenkomst - UAV's & Robotics - onderzoek en toepassingen.
- Publication - Makerfestival - Drone's Night at Saxion!
- Publication - Een dag in Oost - MinOCW.
- Publication - TC Tubantia - Robot op werkvloer bedreigend? Zie robots als gereedschap!
- Educational products - Gastles - Gastles EWB2F.
- Presentation - Vakbeurs(-stand) - AgriTech beurs - Autonome Landbouw.
- Demonstration - Labtour of Rondleidingen - Opening Ariensplein beursstand.
- Demonstration - Live - Demonstratie pitch van genomineerden tav prijs - RAAK-SIA congres - Medical Robotics.
- Presentation - Vakbeurs(-stand) - Beursstand RAAK-SIA congres - Medical Robotics.
- Demonstration - Live - Demonstratie SLAM technologie aan CEOs bij T-Valley oprichtingsvergadering - SLAMming.
- Presentation - Kennis/project bijeenkomst - Presentatie en labtouw bezoek business club ROC.
- Presentation - Vakbeurs(-stand) - Precisiebeurs - beursstand demo grond en luchtrobots - Autonome Landbouw.
- Publication - Proceedings - Snifferdrones - FAST.
- Presentation - Kennis/project bijeenkomst - Grants Weeks - workshop.
- Presentation - Vakbeurs(-stand) - Drone Conference 2017 - The missing Link.
- Presentation - Kennis/project bijeenkomst - Demo voor Bolidt - medewerkers "robotisering" - SLAMming.
- Presentation - Onderzoek voor Havisten.
- Presentation - Vakbeurs(-stand) - Beursstand en demo Autonome Landbouw - Amsterdam Security Expo - Autonome Landbouw.
- Products - Proof-of-principle - SaxDrone-ParrotDocking - Autonome Landbouw demo opstelling - Autonome Landbouw.
- Presentation - Kennis/project bijeenkomst - SLAMming fase I afronding - Demonstratie grondrobot - SLAMming.
- Presentation - Kennis/project bijeenkomst - KIvI mini-symposium Drones onbekend maakt onbemind - TOPfarm.
- Presentation - Opening Saxion Schooljaar - Autonome Landbouw.
- Products - Proof-of-principle - SaxDrone - FAST.
- Products - Modules - Computer vision-gripper demo en training set-up - Medical Robotics.
- Products - Proof-of-principle - TSA - test setup - Medical Robotics.
- Products - Proof-of-principle - SaxBOT-Jaguar - Medical Robotics.
- Presentation - Kennis/project bijeenkomst - Mechatronica Forum - Medical Robotics.
- Products - Proof-of-principle - Compliant Grijpen opstelling - Medical Robotics.
- Products - Modules - SaxBOT-X80 - Medical Robotics.
- Products - Modules - Exoskelet - Medical Robotics.
- Publication - TC Tubantia - Lab Saxion werkt aan handige opruimrobot - Medical Robotics.
- Demonstration - Labtour of Rondleidingen - Bezoek DNHK 100 bedrijven.
- Demonstration - Live - R5COP einddemonstratie - R5COP.
- Demonstration - Video - Film space53 .
- Demonstration - Live - Beursdemo TOPfarm bij Saxion open dag.
- Products - Proof-of-principle - SaxBOT-X80 - R5COP.
- Demonstration - Labtour of Rondleidingen - Bezoek Schrijer-Pierik en van Heijum aan lab tijdens Space53 bezoek.
- Demonstration - Labtour of Rondleidingen - Bezoek UN - dhr Stoffer - aan Saxion.
- Publication - Rapport - R5COP - Deliverable.
- Presentation - Kennis/project bijeenkomst - General Assembly, Hongarije - R5COP.
- Presentation - Vakbeurs(-stand) - Beursstand en deelname dronerace DroneFestival Enschede.
- Presentation - Vakbeurs(-stand) - AD/TC Tubantia - Beursstand en deelname dronerace DroneFestival Enschede.
- Presentation - Vakbeurs(-stand) - Video - Eerste DroneFestival Enschede