Resultaten van ons onderzoek

Event Information System (EIS)

Een ‘Event Information System (EIS)’ dat de camareanman automatiseert en de beelden brengt naar jury en publiek.

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De mobiele technologie van MoSeS

De mobiele technologie van MoSeS helpt hulpverleners om snel een betrouwbaar beeld te schetsen van de situatie zodat zij een adequaat besluit kunnen nemen om hun veiligheid te vergroten.

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XoSoft is een zacht, modulair exo-skelet voor de onderste ledematen die ouderen en mensen met een handicap ondersteunt bij het lopen.

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Predictive maintenance

Onderzoek voor Scania over hoe de sensor- en productiedata gebruikt kan worden om verstoringen in de productie te voorkomen.

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Het lectoraat is over de jaren heen betrokken geweest bij verschillende publicaties en naslagwerken. Hieronder staat een lijst met de meest recente.

Hier vind je onze publicaties op de hbo-kennisbank. 

Tussen patroon en persoon. Een rede(n) voor symbiotische (artificiële) intelligentie

Op 17 oktober 2024 hield lector Jeroen Linssen zijn lectorale rede. De rede van Jeroen is digitaal beschikbaar als website, en ook in pdf- en epub-formaat. Lees de rede hieronder, met veel achtergrondverwijzingen en extra bronnen om praktisch mee aan de slag te gaan.

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 Demo’s / Prototypes (producten beroepspraktijk) 

  • DreamSagas an ACL rehabilitation game, Alejandro Moreno Celleri 

  • Instant Avatar, Etto Salomons

  • Annotated mobile laser scans of Dutch railway environment, sample digital twinning, Bram Ton

  • Dashboard Instant, 27-11-2023, Iris Heerlien

Wetenschappelijke publicaties 

  • Dekker, B., Ton, B., Meijer, J., Bouali, N., Linssen, J., & Ahmed, F. Point Cloud Analysis of Railway Infrastructure: A Systematic Literature Review. 2023, 11, 134355–134373. 

  • Ton, B.; Ahmed, F.; Linssen, J. Semantic Segmentation of Terrestrial Laser Scans of Railway Catenary Arches: A Use Case Perspective. Sensors 2023, 23, 222. Beschikbaar via: (Open access)  


  • Data in de circulaire timmerfabriek – overzicht van technieken, tools, state of the art circulaire timmerfabriek, 15-03-2023, Miha Lavric, Jeroen Linssen

Bijdrage aan symposia (presentaties) 

  • Samenwerken aan AI innovatie in fieldlabs en projecten presentatie tijdens FME AI Jaarevent in Zwolle, 07-12-2023, Jeroen Linssen

  • Workshop: Agent-based modeling voor archeologen tijdens Reuvensdagen in Hoorn, 16-11-2023, Ronald Visser, Annemarie Jutte, Karsten Lambers, Laura van der Knaap

  • Trainingsbelasting presentatie tijdens bijeenkomst dataverzameling, opslag en analyse in Enschede, 13-11-2023, Wouter Teeuw

  • Digital driven manufacturing, betere resultaten door slimme data presentatie Slim digital aan de Bak, 31-10-2023, Jeroen Linssen, Aart Schoonderbeek

  • Agent-based Modelling for Archaeologists workshop tijdens EAA anual meeting in Belfast, 31-08-2023,  Kenneth Aitchison, Tom Brughmans, Annemarie Jutte, Laura van der Knaap, Karsten Lambers, Doug Rocks-MacQueen, Ronald Visser

  • “Back to the future of digital driven manufacturing” presentatie tijdens Proto Festival, 30-06-2023, Erik Fledderus, Jeroen Linssen

  • (on) mogelijkheden van technologie binnen Veiligheid & Digitalisering presentatie tijdens SRC23 in Enschede, 15-06-2023, Wouter Teeuw

  • The 3D detection of trailway objects using stereo images poster tijdens SRC23 in Enschede, 15-06-2023, Annemarie Jutte

  • Evolution of IoT technologies for nature conservation: An IoT approach to tackle rhino poaching presentatie tijdens T-Valley conferentie in Enschede, 31-05-2023, Wouter Teeuw, Javier Ferreira Gonzalez, Peter Ebben, Harmieke Os-Medendorp

  • Werk maken van AI presentatie Deventer Kring van Werkgevers ALV, 11-05-2023, Jeroen Linssen

  • Dream Saga – an ACL rehabilitation game poster bijdrage tijdens ICT Open, 19-04-2023, Alejandro Moreno Celleri

  • “A creAItive intro to AI” presentatie tijdens Reality Check Festival in Enschede, 30-03-2023, Jeroen Linssen

  • Menstruatie en menopauze: wat zegt uw data over u? presentatie tijdens International Womens day op de UT, 08-03-2023, Danique Hofstee

  • Digitalisation of infrastructure using LiDAR data poster bijdrage tijdens consortiummeeting PrimaVera in Utrecht, 01-02-2023, Bram Ton


  • Digital Twinning voor Spoorontwerk presentatie tijdens werksessie met Strukton, 06-07-2023, Annemarie Jutte, Faizan Ahmed, Bram Ton, Jeroen Linssen

  • Digital twinning voor spoorontwerp presentatie tijdens sessie Strukton, 25-05-2023, Bram Ton, Corné Kraats

  • “Mining the land of data and AI” presentatie tijdens de heidag van SAST, 16-03-2023, Jeroen Linssen

  • digitalisering voor de circulaire timmerfabriek presentatie, 15-03-2023, Miha Lavric, Jeroen Linssen, Magriet Braun 

  • Presentatie CLIC-IT WP1 Conceptual ideation “Learning Community Map” in Enschede, 16-02-2023, Jeroen Linssen

  • Presentatie tijdens technische sessie met Strukton in Deventer, 09-02-2023, Jeroen Linssen, Bram Ton en Faizan Ahmed

  • ChatGPT & Artificial Intelligence (with a little bit of nuance) presentatie visiedag ACT in Enschede, 30-01-2023,  Jeroen Linssen

  • Presentatie Digital Twinning voor Spoorontwerp – Midterm review in Deventer, 11-01-2023, Jeroen Linssen

 Studentenprojecten (stage-, minor-, afstudeerverslagen)  

  • Innovative and smart shelter tents for disaster relief, Pim Wentink, Britt Mentink, Romée Weenink, Niels van den Heuvel, Dylan ter Laak, Chris Vereijken, Bence Horváth, Eline van de Pol, Bridget van Tooren, 10-2-2023

  • Embedded IoT standardized modular protocol, Job Meulenbeld, 10-2-2023

  • Instant - Developing an audio-based game for physical rehabilitation of ACL injuries, Chris Haenen, 10-2-2023

  • Sensorized IV line monitoring for children, Rick Koetzier, Bjorn Quentemeyer, Luka Bootsma, Wendy Doornenbal, 10-2-2023

  • Pak de trap, Lisa Vrijdag, 24-2-2023

  • DTspoor - Set-up scalable cloud infrastructure for working with point cloud data, Pascal Vorwerk, Claudien ten Velde, 10-2-2023

  • Instant - Developing an audio-based game for physical rehabilitation of ACL injuries, Max Manenschijn, Attila Pöthe, Luc Roosjen, 10-2-2023

  • DTspoor, Point cloud segmentation via active learning in the context of railway infrastructure, Jonas Hentschel, 14-2-2022

  • Intelligent house power monitoring algorithms for sustainable energy behaviour, Kagan Gulsum, Vasko Pirinski, An Pan, Alex Petrov, 20-2-2023

  • DTspoor - Point-Pillar 3D Object Detection of Mobile Laser Scans of Railway Infrastructure,  Maksym Dryhval, 10-2-2023

  • Vole monitoring, Michael Cornelisse, Alessio Bertollo, Daniel-Alexandru Bejan, Thanh Do, 10-2-2023

  • Agent-based Modelling for Archeologists, Nora van den Engel, Stefan Oostingh, Dany Dragoi, Max van Duinen, Roan Man, Liam van den Bosch, Marko Stojkovic, 10-2-2023

  • DTspoor - Use AR/VR for visualizing, navigating and augmenting point cloud data, Niek Tempert, 9-4-2023

  • Implementation of an energy consumption dashboard and backend for carbon neutral communities, Mark Spijkerman, Joyce Richter, Jurgen Bakker, 10-2-2023

  • DTspoor - Semi-supervised point cloud segmentation on railway data, Bram Dekker, 31-8-2023

  • DTspoor - Point Cloud-Based Object Detection for the Railroad Environment Using Self-Supervised Learning, Ole Salet, 9-7-2023

  • Computer vision for object detection, Bob Aaldering, Julia Aalbers, Coen Bunk,Mart Westen, Fin Scheper, 9-7-2023

  • Advice for database to easily store and retrieve information, Benjamin Jansen, 9-7-2023

  • DTspoor - Use AR/VR for visualizing, navigating and augmenting point cloud data, Niek Tempert, 9-4-2023

  • DTspoor - Detecting Object Location with Nadir and Oblique Images Using Monoplotting, Thinh Cao, 01-05-2023

  • Agent-based modelling for archaeologists, Ties Heesink, Alice Overgaauw, Paulina Fulneczek, Mandy Hazenberg, Johan Broersma, 21-7-2023

  • DTspoor - Imagec railroad infrastructure assessment, Thinh Cao,21—7-2023

  • WIFI 6 Embedded open wireless firmware, Tim Kremer, Nancy Tang, Bram Esendam, Nana Opoku-Adusei, 222-7-2023

  • IoT bike, Dylan van Golberdinge, Jeroen Rouwhorst, Koen Bouwhuis, Martijn Gerritsen, Perry Petiet, 22-7-2023

  • DTspoor - Learning Behaviour of Sparse Point-Voxel Convolution: Semantic Segmentation of Railway LiDAR scans, Jasper van der Werf, 7-7-2023

  • DTspoor-  Are classical features still relevant in the era of deep learning?, Jesse Snoijer, 7-7-2023

  • DTspoor - Selecting the Optimal Machine Learning Framework for LiDAR-Based Railroad Inspection and Maintenance at Strukton Rail: A Comprehensive Evaluation, Tim Uilkema, 7-7-2023

  • DTspoor - Segmentation of Railway tracks, Contact cables and Catenary cables from a LiDAR Point Cloud, Jean Clemente, 8-7-2023

  • Automatic Pill Dispenser-DextoMed, Daniel Gabriel Drăgoi

Literature review

  • Instant – SLR on data analysis for historical patient data, Jeroen Linssen, Miha Lavric

demo's / prototypes (producten beroepspraktijk)

Wetenschappelijke publicaties

  • Ton, B.; Ahmed, F.; Linssen, J. Semantic Segmentation of Terrestrial Laser Scans of Railway Catenary Arches: A Use Case Perspective. Sensors 2023, 23, 222. Beschikbaar via: (Open access)


  • Deep learning for computer vision, a manual for the IT-minded engineer, 20-05-2022, Jeroen Linssen


  • Sociaal aanraken op afstand, publicatie in blad Sozio, februari 2022, Danny Plass

  • Magazine van Vereniging Sport en Evenementen, "Volledige risicobeheersing heeft rust en zekerheid", jaargang 70, nummer 2, juni 2022, Raoul Willemsen, Sportkeur


  • Internet of Things research methodology for SMEs, 12-11-2021 (FIMS), Miha Lavric
  • Semantic segmentation of catenary arches, presentatie tijdens de Digitalization of the built environment conferentie, 01-04-2022, Bram Ton
  • Wat is AI en hoe kunnen we het inzetten om onze productie slimmer en efficienter te maken? Presentatie tijdens het BOOST Smart Industry Jaarevent 2022, 24-03-2022, Jeroen Linssen
  • Ambient Intelligence & Digitale transformatie in de zorg, presentatie tijdens Health Valley, 31-03-2022, Jeroen Linssen.
  • Smart ML Load predictions for demand side management in microgrids, presentatie tijdens ICT open, 06-04-2022, William Brown, Miha Lavric, Javier Ferreira Gonzalez
  • Low power embedded IoT ML activity classification for wildlife protection, presentatie tijdens ICT Open, 07-04-2022, Javier, Peter, Prachi, Pepijn Keizer en Jeroen van der Heiden.
  • Poster: cybersecure distributed communication framework for Micro grid applications, 07-04-2022, Eyuel Ayale, Javier Ferreira Gonzalez en Dany Dragoi
  • SpiroPlay – Gamified spirometry for home monitoring of children with asthma + video over project Sociaal aanraken op afstand, ICT Open 6/7 april 2022, Iris Heerlien, Alejandro Moreno, Danny Plass, Robby van Delden (UT), Mannes Poel (UT), Mattienne van der Kamp (MST)
  • Poster sociaal aanraken op afstand + video Sociaal aanraken op afstand, ICT Open 6/7 april 2022, Danny Plass, Roos van Kleef (student), Jorrit de Jong, Anne Pasman, Lieke Middel, Wouter Vos (Elitac), Marijke Noome
  • Samenwerking lectoraat AMI met veiligheidspartners, presentatie tijdens  Saxion Research Conference, Wouter Teeuw, 11 juli 2022
  • Toezicht in transitie - Technologische ontwikkelingen relevant voor toezicht, 12-10-2022. Presentatie voor middagsessie over Toezicht en de kansen v.w.b. data & AI, Jeroen Linssen
  • Gastcollege Minor AI, Safety & Security: AI & data science (in het kort), 28-11-2022, Presentatie voor Minor AI, Safety & Security van Saxion, Jeroen Linssen
  • Research meeting Employability Transition: Zinvolle inzichten in data met Artificial Intelligence, 19-12-2022, Presentatie voor lectoraat Employability Transition, Jeroen Linssen
  • Poster SportKeur 2.0: Video analysis of a biking track by computer vision, 11-07-2022, SRC22, Andrii Roizin, Alejandro Moreno, Iris Heerlien, Prachi Bagave, Roonak Babakhani, Tatiana Goering
  • DDM workshop sensing, bijeenkomst binnen het project Digital Driven Manufacturing, Jeroen Linssen, 11-02-2022
  • DDM workshop digital twinning, bijeenkomst binnen het DDM project, Jeroen Linssen, 14-02-2022
  • Techniek, zorg, onderwijs en overheid vinden elkaar tijdens kennisevent digitale transformatie in de zorg, Jeroen Linssen, Wouter Teeuw, Sjors Groeneveld, Bernadette Lohuis en Remko Soer, 05-04-2022
  • Kick off meeting TFF Predict to Prevent, Jeroen Linssen, 11-05-2022
  • Presentatie voor afsluiting project Focus op Vision, Jeroen Linssen, 20-05-2022
  • Presentatie voor afsluiting project Sportkeur 2.0, Tatiana Goering, Iris Heerlien, Alejandro Moreno, Roonak Babakhani, 21-06-2022


  • Develop a small system to detect people in the queue and a dashboard, Ruben Assink, 1-2-2022
  • Extend the project approach tool with automatic feedback and visualisations, Stanislav Dior, 1-2-2022
  • ML-based algorithms for Migrogrid optimizations, Daniel Gabriel Drãgoi, 1-2-2022
  • Underground Water Sensor Cloud platform, Richie Valentino Richard Ilot, 1-2-2022
  • Make the CTRLab a living lab for Deventer!, Ronald Berg, Stijn van den Hasselerharm, Menno Wissink, Annabel van Dijk, Selinde Wübkes, Joris Immink, David Koens, 1-2-2022
  • Research, develop and test an innovative IoT solution that can provide remote monitoring & controlling via dashboard or mobile app, Helder Ferraz de Carvalho, Niels van Hecke, Rick Versluis, 1-2-2022
  • Exploration and testing phase of state-of-the-art ML-based prediction algorithms for different type of microgrid configurations, William Brown, Mohamad Anjila, Huy Trân, 1-2-2022
  • Sensor placement, sensing strategy, sensor modalities for the bearing test-bench of The den Hague university, Ken Yeh, Ewout van Dartel, Tim Leemreize, Wout Scheffer, 1-2-2022
  • Deep learning on point clouds, Zino Vieth, 1-2-2022
  • Automated detection and classification of pig behavior using computer vision, Lin Hoang, Nam Trinh, Huy Cao, Ruikang Xu, 1-2-2022
  • Dashboard for visualization of foot pressure, Sander Adam, Niek Tempert, Merijn Bauhuis, Sten ter Stal, 1-2-2022
  • Visualizing point cloud segmentation, Floris Verburg, 1-2-2022
  • Effect of image quality in computer vison for semantic segmentation of road images, Christian Anghel, 8-7-2022
  • Automation of the inspection of a biking track using computer vision, Andrii Roizin,15-7-2022
  • Full stack application development for the risks at sports, Mechiel van der Hoeven, 15-7-2022
  • UIUX design of energy consumption dashboard for carbon neutral communities, Gerben Bornebroek, 15-7-2022
  • Encouraging energy conscious behaviour for carbon neutral communities, Marvin Eilander, 15-7-2022
  • Modular IOT Industrial Monitoring Solution for Filtration Systems, Pepijn Keizer, 15-7-2022
  • Intelligent low-power IoT ambient monitor solution for energy transition, Niek Hoornsman, Bas Oppe, Tim ter Steege, Keith Iqbal, 15-7-2022
  • Flexible textile-based electronics IoT solutions, Musab al Muqbali, 15-7-2022
  • Direct matching of CAD models to point clouds without segmentation, Bartosz Przadka, 8-7-2022
  • William Brown
  • Saxion mobility map, Lukman Sulaiman Al-Busaidi, Michael Shekhovtsov, Vincenzo Savarese, Yehor Zhvarnytskyi, Christopher van Gaalen, 8-7-2022
  • Project approach tool - security & usability, Henry Wright, Oleksii Soloviov, Simona Ilieva, Siyovush Tochir, Yibing Chen, 8-7-2022
  • 3D Point Cloud Segmentation and Automation for Railway Catenary arches, Plamen Bozov, 8-7-2022
  • Point cloud based semantic segmentation for catenary system using deep learning:Compressibility of a PointNet++ network, Nils Rutgers, 8-7-2022

Publicaties in vakblad (semi-wetenschappelijk)

  • Slim en snel data verwerken, publicatie in “Op het spoor” editie november 2021, Bram Ton, Faizan Ahmed en Jeroen Linssen
  • Ocepek M, Žnidar A, Lavrič M, Škorjanc D, Andersen IL. DigiPig: First Developments of an Automated Monitoring System for Body, Head and Tail Detection in Intensive Pig Farming. Agriculture. 2021 Dec 21;12(1):2.

Bijdrage aan symposia (presentaties)

  • Applied data@saxion, netwerkmeeting, presentatie voor werkgroep Data @ AI van HBO-i, Jeroen Linssen, 03-02-2021
  • Smart Microgrids, WP 4.2 Technical Session (04/02/21), (Quintec project), Miha Lavric en Javier Ferreira Gonzalez
  • Insights into the invisible, presentatie tijdens ICT open 2021, Bram Ton, 11-02-2021
  • Machine learning based sensor fusion for localization : initial test results, presentatie tijdens ICT open, Tania Andrea, David Zalewski en Javier Ferreira Gonzalez, 11-02-2021
  • Self-configurable UWB based sensor network for localization applications, poster ict open, Valentin Tosetchi, Dawid Zalewski en Javier Ferreria Gonzalez, 12-02-2021
  • Pesten, kun je dat tegengaan met een bullying game?  Persbericht Jeroen Linssen, Anne Hurenkamp, Ines Schell en Matthijs van Veen, 06-04-2021
  • TFF Military: applicaties voor bezoeker en jury, presentatie tijdens einddemo project, Peter Ebben, 06-04-2021
  • TFF Military einddemo: Virtual Camera, Evert Duipmans, 06-04-2021
  • Station 2 – EIS Distributed wireless infrastructure and horse monitoring system, einddemo TFF military project, Javier Ferreira Gonzalez, 06-04-2022
  • Semantic segmentation of railway catenary systems, mid term advice report, Bram Ton, Faizan Ahmed en Jeroen Linssen (adviesrapport voor project TFF Digitalisatie Bovenleidingen en draagconstructies) 09-04-2021
  • Pepper under control, rapport in de vorm van een afstudeerverslag, Karlo Drvoderic en Jeroen Linssen, 22-04-2021
  • Uitzending RTV Oost over het project TFF Military, Jan Laarhuis en Evert Duipmans, 01-05-2021
  • Wat is Artificial Intelligence, Teqnow webinar kwaliteitscontrole, Jeroen Linssen, 20 05 2021
  • Rondetafelgesprek WorldClassMaintenance & Big Data, Jeroen Linssen, Rondetafelgesprek met experts op het gebied van data, AI en onderhoud, 20-05-2021
  • Segmenting small objects in a large point cloud using the Super Point Graph Model, Egbert Dijkstra, Faizan Ahmed, Bram Ton en Jeroen Linssen, 01-07-2021
  • Kunstmatige intelligentie, buzz of business. Podcast over kunstmatige intelligentie in het MKB, Jeroen Linssen, 15-07-2021
  • Presentation of Ambient Intelligence at the offshore expertise center of Rijkswaterstaat, Jeroen Linssen, 31-08-2021
  • Presentation of Ambient Intelligence at the Offshore Expertise Center of Rijkswaterstaat, Jeroen Linssen, 03-09-2021
  • Some steps on the stairs to digital twinning, RCT Gelderland,bijeenkomst over de voordelen van digital twinning, Jeroen Linssen, 16-09-2021
  • Segmantic segmentation of catenary arches, Presentatie tijdens T valley Tech conference, Bram Ton, 30-09-2021
  • Automatisering van AI gebaseerde data-analyses, presentatie op T-valley congres, Jeroen Linssen, 30-09-2021
  • Maar uw bedrijf slimmer met The Internet of Things, Webinar IOT Oost, Wouter Teeuw, 28-10-2021
  • The why of AI; managing expectations and limitations of AI based Technology in Industry, presentation on the international conference of emerging trends in business and management, Jeroen Linssen, 12-11-2021
  • Managing the uncertain future of AI, keynote speech at the international conference of emerging trends in business and management, Jeroen Linssen, 12-11-2021
  • Internet of Things research methodology for SMEs. Presentation at FIMS - Saxion international conference on “Emerging Trends in Business and Management”, Miha Lavrič, 12-11-2021
  • ICT OPEN 2021, online, the Netherlands, B. Ton, Insights to the invisible, Prima Vera, 11-2-2021
  • ICT Open 2021, online, the Netherlands, T. Andrea Grama, D. Zalewski, J. Ferreira Gonzalez, Machine learning based sensor Fusion For Localization – Initial Test Results, 10-02-2021
  • ICT Open 2021, online, the Netherlands, Valentin- Florin Tosetchi, D. Zalewski, J. Ferreira Gonzalez,
  • Self configurable UWB based sensor network for localization applications, 10-02-2021


  • Data, data and even more data, Jeroen Linssen, gastcollege HBO- ICT 01-04-2021
  • AI trainingssessie 1: methodologie & data mining, Jeroen Linssen, 21-5-2021
  • AI trainingssessie 2: machine leaning, Jeroen Linssen en Miha Lavric, 04-06-2021
  • AI trainingssessie 3: deep learning, Jeroen Linssen, 18-06-2021
  • Embedded IOT solutions, guest lecture at the IoT specialization course from HBO-ICT, Jeroen Linssen, 27-09-2021

Demo’s / Prototypes (producten beroepspraktijk)

  • Object classification of railway structures, Creation of a pipeline to prepare point clouds, generate training data and detect objects in a point cloud, Joey Teunissen, Benjamin Bakir, Job Jonkers Ahmed Rehad, Thomas Tunc, Matthijs van Veen en Jeroen Linssen, 05-02-2021


  • EFRO Flywheel technology for energy storage in microgrids - Smart Microgrids, 4-2-2021, J. Ferreira Gonzalez, M. Lavric , internal presentation
  • ICT OPEN 2021, online, the Netherlands, B. Ton, Insights to the invisible, Prima Vera, 11-2-2021
  • ICT Open 2021, online, the Netherlands, T. Andrea Grama, D. Zalewski, J. Ferreira Gonzalez, Machine learning based sensor Fusion For Localization – Initial Test Results, 10-02-2021
  • ICT Open 2021, online, the Netherlands, Valentin- Florin Tosetchi, D. Zalewski, J. Ferreira Gonzalez,
  • Self configurable UWB based sensor network for localization applications, 10-02-2021

Studentenprojecten (stage-, minor-, afstudeerverslagen)

  • Best practices for data analytics at Pentas, Octavian Dima, 15-7-2021 
  • Comparison of data analytics for sleuces, Quyen Dang, 15-7-2021 
  • Project approach tool- collaboration, Lars Hendriks, 10-1-2021
  • Automated animal image classification from camera traps, Guus Janssen , Falco Berendhaus, Iris Bolhuis, Dominique Netters, Willem Lefferts, 5-2-2021 
  • Point-cloud classification of railway objects, Thomas Tunc, Benjamin Bakir, Job Jonkers, Joey Teunissen, Rehan Ahmed, 5-2-21 
  • Ontwikkeling AR spel voor supporters, Indre Satinskyte, Kaloyan Krastev, Martynas Zilinskas, Max Molewijk, Rik Oomkes, Stef Klein Nagelvoort, 5-2-2021 
  • Nasogastric tube insertion training for nurses, Andrei Martashov, 5-2-2021 
  • Analysing sportkeur data and creating a dashboard for real time monitoring, Alparslan Selvi, Serkan Demirhan, Fatih Kartal, 5-2-2021 
  • Selecting a new platform for Military Horse Positioning, Thymo van Beers, Tim Hofman, Wout van Mensvoort, 7-2-2021 
  • Analysis and presentation of Scania data, Catalina Doschinescu, Slav Mitov, Nikola Todev, Shumous Jumaily al, 7-2-2021 
  • Design an app and API for infrastructural maitenance in the field, Josh van Asten, 7-2-2021 
  • Create a BIM Unity app that can retrieve information from a BIM server, Andrei Terus, 7-2-2021 
  • PepperManualControl, Karlo Drvoderic, 23-4-2021 
  • Develop a dashboard to display spirometry data of the latest session and over time, Bernard Merveille, 23-4-2021 
  • ML-based algorithms for Migrogrid optimizations, Anton Zuboskyi, 9-7-2021
  • Develop a small system of camera + pi to detect how many people are in the queue,  Ruben Assink, 9-7-2021 
  • 3d videos - experiential information booth on the lockers, Carina Campisi, 9-7-2021 
  • ML-based algorithms for Migrogrid optimizations, Anton Zuboskyi, 9-7-2021 
  • Project approach tool: automatic feedback, Robin van Alst, 9-7-2021 
  • Using deep learning for point cloud segmentation, Mani Salahmand, 9-7-2021 
  • Investigate the usage of the ESP32 Ultra Low Power co-processor as processor for sensor data collection, David Comman, Hidde Moll, Luciano Orlandini, Midas Kortman, Thymo van Beers, 9-7-2021 
  • Simple machine learning algorithms, which could run on embedded platform, David van Hartevelt, Jeroen van der Heiden, Luc Grefte, Pepijn Keizer, 9-7-2021 
  • Chatbots voor automatische gesprekken, Vincent Witten, 30-4-2021 
  • Refactor the load monitoring system and prepare the system to be used in an open source community, Dovydas Valiulis, 9-7-2021 
  • Functionality to annotate damages, structural, safety problems in a Unity BIM viewer application, Niek Tempert, 9-7-2021 
  • Analysing sportkeur 2.0 data and creating a dashboard for real time monitoring the data, Fatih Likoglu, Lars van den Broek, Gianni Valenzuela Flores, 9-7-2021 
  • Neus-maagsonde, Andrei Martashov, 9-7-2021 
  • Neus-maagsonde, Duy Hoang, 9-7-2021 
  • Neus-maagsonde, Noortje Klein Willink, Kieu Nguyen, Willemijn Lanzing, Marieke van Essen, Mayke Stoverink, Jetskte Wilmink, 9-7-2021 
  • Danny Neus-maagsonde, Jesse de Rooij, Christian Richters, William te Wierik, Jelmer Santing, 9-7-2021 
  • Comparison of models for point cloud classification/segmentation, Egbert Dijkstra, 2-7-2021 
  • Opensource data manager platform, Benjamin Bakir, 12-11-2021 

Wetenschappelijke publicaties (peer review)

  • SpiroPlay, a Suite of Breathing Games for Spitometry by lkds& experts, Danny, Plass, OUde Bos, CHI play '20, November 2-4, Virtual Event Canada
  • Intramusculair EMG versus surface EMG of Lumbar Multifidus and Erector Spinae in Healthy Participants, Anke Hofste, Remko Soer, Etto Salomons, Frits Oosterveld, Jan Peuscher, Andre Wolf, Han vd Hoeven, Gerbrand Groen, Hermie Hermsen, Spine, Volume 45, numer 20, pp E1319 – E1325, Wolters Kluwer
  • Dijkstra, M. W. S., Siebrand, E., Dorrestijn, S., Salomons, E. L., Reneman, M. F., Oosterveld, F. G., Soer, R., Gross, D. P., & Bieleman, H. J. (2020). Ethical considerations of using machine learning for decision support in occupational health: An example involving periodic workers’ health assessments. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 30(3), 343.
  • PrimaVera: Synergising Predictive Maintenance, Bram Ton, Rob Basten, John Bolte, Jan Braaksma, Alessandro di Bucchianico, Philippe Calseyde, Frank Grooteman, Tom Heskes, Nils Jansen, Wouter Teeuw, Tiedo Tinga, Mariëlle Stoelinga,  Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, No. 2, Nov. 2020, .

Publicaties in vakblad (semi-wetenschappelijk)

  • “Niet de robots maar de bouw is aan zet”, artikel in Bouwen in het Oosten editite maart 2020 – J. Linssen.

Bijdrage aan symposia (presentaties) 

  • Applied research on artificial intelligence at Saxion, Oost NL, Apeldoorn 19-05-2020, Jeroen Linssen, Wouter Teeuw


  • AI- training session 1: methodology & datamining – J. Linssen 29-05-2020
  • AI-training session2 – machine leraning- M. Lavric 12-06-2020
  • AI-training session 3- deep learning overview – Dr. Ioannis Katramados (lector), Hossein Rahmani (researcher NHL Stenden), juli 2020

Demo’s / Prototypes (producten beroepspraktijk) 

  • DSI, Data science in Industry (an overview of methods and tools) Faizan Ahmed, Prachi Bagave, Miha Lavric, Jeroen Linssen, 31-08-2020, Enschede
  • DSI- IoT in Industry ( an overview of tools and a case study), Faizan Ahmed, Martin Wesselink, Prachi Bagave, Jeroen Linssen, 31-08-2020, Enschede
  • DSI- Bronkhorst – Forecasting handbook , Lammert Heijen, 31-08-2020, Ruurlo


  • Insights in to the invisible, Consortium meeting Prima Vera, 26-11-2020, B. Ton  Universiteit Twente, online meeting
  • Project Approach; Danny Plass, HBO-ICT, HBO-I platformmeeting, 23-09-2020
  • WP2 ontwikkeling belastingmonitor Software, Eindevent Belastingmonitor 29-10-2020, Etto Salomons, TEAMS meeting
  • Dirstibuted and secured microgrids, J. Ferreira Gonzalez, Consortium presentation for the EFRO Quinteq flywheel, 1-10-2020
  • Embede IoT Solutions @AMI, Javier Ferreira Gonzalez, 01-10-2020 , Guess lecture at the IoT Specialization course from HBO-ICT, 1st October 12:30-13:00 via Teams
  • Ambient Intelligence: Enabling IT for a smart world, Seminar Pervasive Systems,Universiteit Twente, Enschede, 8 October 2020, Wouter Teeuw
  • TFF Military - IES Software Defined Wireless Networking     Javier Ferreira Gonzalez, Eyuel Debebe, Jan LaarhuisPresentation for project stakeholders, 07 2020
  • “The ranger alarm system, and IoT approach to prevent poaching” J. Ferreira Gonzalez, 2019-December-09
     KWS Tsavo Research Conference 2020, Sarova Taita Hills Lodge, Tsavo, Kenya
  • Sensing alarm responses of ungulate herds to prevent poaching of endangered fauna. The ranger alarm system, an IoT approach, J. Ferreira,  ACT Studiedag, Saxion UAS, Enschede, 01 2020    
  • Project Firebot; D. Plass, consortiummeeting 24-04-2020
  • Clusterbijeenkomst WCM Oost- Datamining voor predictive maintenance, Jeroen Linssen 30-06-2020
  • Clusterbijeenkomst NPAL- Datamining voor predictive maintenance, Jeroen Linssen 25-08-2020
  • W.B. Teeuw, “Ambient Intelligence for Dummies: The impact of the internet of things”, ACT studiedag, Saxion, Enschede, 27 januari 2020
  • AI & HMI GRID Pitching \session Ambient INtelligence Lab, 17-12-2020, Dr. J. Linssen, digitaal
  • Predictive maintenance, asset management and data science, 17-12-2020, Dr. J. Linssen, digitaal


  • Automatic DAC quality control, Wybren Oppedijk, bachelor thesis, juli 2020
  • Bouwatch- Process Report Identification and visualization of displacement of surveillance masts, Vincent Bruggmena, Colin Hemeltjen, Jasper Sijgers, Dovydas Valiulis, Anthonu van der Berg (tutor)
  • Excellence Track- Datascience Bronkhorst SDales Analysis Project Report, Quyen Dang, Jeroen Linssen, 17-7-2020
  • Euromoulings – energie monitoring, Jeroen Linssen, Timo van den Steenhoven, Jordu van Dillen, Bram van Ostaijen, 8-7-2020
  • Pentas Smart Silos, J. Linssen, Rayvano Keizer, Michiel Brink, Dick Pellen juli 2020
  • Machine learning based sensor fusion for localization applications”, T. Grama, D. Zalewski, J. Ferreira Gonzalez, 2020-January
     Alice & Eve event “celebrating women in computing”, Twente University, Enschede, The Netherlands.

Wetenschappelijke publicaties (peer review) 

  • Moreno, A., Poppe, R., Gidson, J.L., Heylen, D., Automated and unobtrusive measurement of physical activity in an interactive playground, International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 2019
  • Bruijnes, M., Linssen, J., Heylen, D.K.J., Special edition editorial: Virtual Agents for Social Skills Training, Journal of Multimodal User Interfaces, 2019 vol 13, issue 1, pp 1-2.

Bijdrage aan symposia (presentaties)

  • Linssen, J. Lessons learned from data science in industry, Twente Data Meetup (Saxion Edition), Enschede, 07-11-2019.
  • Linssen, J. AI, wat kunnen we er praktisch mee in het mkb? AI – Het nieuwe DNA in business, Enschede, 07-11-2019.
  • Linssen, J. Me, Myself, and ITech. Gastcollege Interaction Technology University of Twente, Enschede, 21-10-2019.
  • Goering, T. Big Data Technology for Detection of Athletes Overload, ICT Square, Enschede, 27-06-2019.
  • Linssen, J. Data in Smart Industry: How can SMEs improve their business with data? ICT Square, Enschede, 27-06-2019.
  • Linssen, J. Studeren met robots. HBO-i Kijkje in de Keuken, Deventer, 19-06-2019.
  • Linssen, J., Wesselink, M., Veltman, J., Sijgers, I., Teeuw, W. Data-driven uptime improvement for Scania. Saxion Smart Solutions Festival, Deventer, 14-06-2019.
  • Linssen, J. Parallelsessie 'Machine learning in de zorg, e-commerce & product-optimalisatieprocessen’. Parallelsessie op evenement ‘Boost AI in uw organisatie’, Deventer, 09-05-2019.
  • Teeuw, W.B., TFF-Military: Event Information Systeem voor Military Boekelo, Startevent x3D: ICT voor Diergedrag, Diergezondheid en Dierenwelzijn, VKON, Den Ham, 25 april 2019.
  • Goering- T., Moses – Mobile Sensing for safety, Health Monitoring System, International Conference E- society, Utrecht, 11-04-2019.
  • Teeuw, W. Situational Awareness of health and safety, USA4EUROPA Conference, Brussel, April 2019
  • Ferreira Gonzalez, J., Buurlage, B., Zalewski, D.R.,: AIOSAT, Autonomous Indoor & outdoor Safety Tracking System, ICT Open, Amersfoort, 19 en 20-03-2019.
  • Linssen, J., Booij, R., Brezoi, A., Mulders, B., Veen, van, M., Ferreira Gonzalez, J., Fitting Fashion Using Machine learning, ICT Open, Amersfoort, 19 en 20-03-2019.
  • Plass, D., Kwaliteitsmodel voor HBO-ICT onderzoek, SURF Workshop Utrecht 18-03-2019
  • J. Ferreira Gonzalez, Sensing Alarm responses of ungulate herds tp prevent poaching of endangered fauna, 9-12-2019 Tsavo research Conference Kenya


  • Linssen, J. Data, data en nog eens data – Wat moeten, kunnen, en willen we ermee? Gastcollege Bedrijfseconomie, Deventer, 29-05-2019.


  • Teeuw, W., Research@saxion, presentatie tijdens stuurgroep meeting EFRO E-PLM 2.0 12-09-2019 F:\KCDTAmI\Projecten\2192168 EFRO E-PLM 2.0\02 Uitvoeringsfase\Stuurgroep

Onze projecten